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Wednesday, September 2, 2020
Analyse Porphyrias lover by Robert Browning Essays
Break down Porphyrias darling by Robert Browning Essays Break down Porphyrias darling by Robert Browning Paper Break down Porphyrias darling by Robert Browning Paper Paper Topic: Verse The Secret Life Of Bees Porphyrias sweetheart is one of the most emotional monologs composed by a Victorian writer. Many attempted to get a handle on new ideas of sexiness and ruthlessness yet it was Browning who caught these subjects consummately. As the Victorian culture built up its comprehension on sexuality and profound quality, individuals acknowledged what number of issues they need to look because of the possibility of awful and wrong. Cognizance was another thought such a significant number of artists didnt take a gander at the ordinary side of the general public yet attempted to build up their comprehension and impression of the crazy personalities. Porphyrias sweetheart is an incredible case of such a reflection. Through the monolog we are pushed to confront the contention inside the psyche, the most curved undertakings of our spirits and the tip of a tremendous heap of craziness. The storyteller of this incredible piece is a complex multi layered character who shows us the issues and clashes inside his psyche. Cooking unfurls the mysteries of the storyteller very nuance. The homicide is depicted with an aloof and detached voice which causes this sonnet to appear to be so stunning and theoretical. The creator contacts the most fragile and dull sides of our psyche and gives us what might occur if the was no cognizant present or on the off chance that it was seen in an unexpected way. The storyteller portrays his activities as I found a thing, activity,( )and choked her. This is an extremely inactive portrayal of an activity. It reveals to us that the storyteller trusted it was a characteristic activity; slaughtering the young lady. Her affection was so dear to him, that he chose to save it in her forever. This activity could hypothetically be viewed as sentimental. Nonetheless, isnt executing somebody a merciless activity. Here we are confronting an extraordinary clash. Were his activities sentimental or rather severe, is taking somebody elses life a cherishing or a malicious activity? The storyteller doesnt even observe different prospects. He is so happy with the affection and empathy she is demonstrating him ( upbeat and glad; finally I realized Porphyria adored me) On the other hand Browning lets us know there was some doubting to his activities. No torment felt she, Im very sure she felt no torment the storyteller is consoling himself that his activities were correct and adoring. This discloses to us that there was some balanced speculation in his mind. In any case, judicious doesnt mean something very similar to everybody. There is no away from of what is discerning or not. On the off chance that there is sufficient proof to back up your activity, at that point it should be viewed as discerning. The fact of the matter is that the storyteller backs up his activities with thinking, tragically his thinking and his activity don't gauge each other out implying that in our cutting edge reality his psyche is uneven and off base. To show the profound multifaceted nature of ones brain, Browning utilizes a specific rhyme design all through the piece ABABB. The force and asymmetry of the example recommends the franticness covered inside the speaker’s contemplated self-introduction. The speaker utilizes a couple of extraordinary similitudes. As a shut bud that holds a honey bee, I carefully opened her tops. This could demonstrate the reflection upon his activities. As we probably am aware honey bees sting, the storyteller doesnt need to feel the excruciating truth. A delightful blossom has passed on with his adoration covered up inside. It is currently not noticeable so he opens her eyes once more, terrified of what he may see; torment, frightfulness, detest. Hes terrified that once the bud id open his affection will sting him and fly away. In the last line of the sonnet the creator discusses the aftereffect of his activities, but then God has not let out the slightest peep. This reveals to us that the storyteller realizes his activities could be considered as terrible however yet nobody has done anything. Nobody prevented him from doing what he had done accordingly it was correct. This additionally demonstrated our speaker is strict and is frightened mindful of paradise and heck, this could recommend that to hold Porphyrias love and enthusiasm was so dear to him it was worth more than being a decent man or going to paradise.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Babson College Admissions - SAT Scores, Costs, and More
Babson College Admissions - SAT Scores, Costs, and that's only the tip of the iceberg Confirmations at Babson College are specific. Just around one-fourth of candidates are conceded. Understudies can applyâ using the Common Application. Notwithstanding this application, understudies must present a secondary school transcript, test scores from either the SAT or ACT and letters of suggestion. While a confirmations meet isn't required, it is firmly encouraged. Calculate your odds of getting inâ with Cappexs free instrument. Confirmations Data (2016) Babson College Acceptance Rate: 25%GPA, SAT and ACT chart for Babson Grades: 25th/75th Percentile SAT Critical Reading: 560/650SAT Math: 610/720SAT Writing: -/ - Top Massachusetts school SAT comparisonWhat these SAT numbers meanACT Composite: 27/31ACT English: 26/32ACT Math: 27â /33What these ACT numbers meanTop Massachusetts school ACT correlation Babson College Description Babson College is a personal business college found near Wellesley Collegeâ in the well-to-do Boston suburb of Wellesley, Massachusetts. All Babson understudies study business and work towards a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. The educational plan stresses initiative and enterprise aptitudes, and all understudies get broad handy, hands-on preparing. The school has won various national honors for its imaginative way to deal with business training. First-year understudies at Babson take a year-long course in which understudy groups create, dispatch and sell a revenue driven business of their own design.â Explore the grounds with the Babson College photograph visit. With all of Babson Colleges qualities, it should not shock anyone that the school made the rundowns ofâ top Massachusetts collegesâ andâ top New England universities. For data on different schools in the zone, look at this article on Boston-zone schools and colleges. Enlistment (2016) Absolute Enrollment: 3,165â (2,283 undergraduates)Gender Breakdown: 52% Male/48% Female100% Full-time Costs (2016 - 17) Educational cost and Fees: $48,288Books: $1,050 (why so much?)Room and Board: $15,376Other Expenses: $1,850Total Cost: $66,564 Babson College Financial Aid (2015â -16) Level of New Students Receiving Aid: 56%Percentage of New Students Receiving Types of AidGrants: 48%Loans: 39%Average Amount of AidGrants: $37,159Loans: $8,033 Scholastic Programs Most Popular Majors: Business AdministrationWhat major is directly for you? Sign up to take the free My Careers and Majors Quiz at Cappex. Graduation and Retention Rates First Year Student Retention (full-time understudies): 95%4-Year Graduation Rate: 87%6-Year Graduation Rate: 91% Intercollegiate Athletic Programs Mens Sports: Baseball, Track, and Field, Lacrosse, Swimming, Basketball, Golf, Ice Hockey, Skiing, Tennis, SoccerWomens Sports: Track and Field, Field Hockey, Basketball, Soccer, Softball, Tennis, Swimming, Volleyball, Lacrosse, Skiing Information Source: National Center for Educational Statistics Babson and the Common Application Babson College utilizes the Common Application. These articles can help control you: Basic Application article tips and samplesShort answer tips and samplesSupplemental paper tips and tests
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The History of the Guillotine
The History of the Guillotine During the 1700s, executions in France were open occasions where whole towns accumulated to watch. A typical execution technique for a poor criminal was quartering, where the detainees appendages were attached to four bulls, at that point the creatures were driven in four distinct ways tearing the individual separated. Privileged lawbreakers could purchase their way into a less difficult passing by hanging or executing. The guillotine is an instrument for dispensing the death penalty by execution that came into regular use in France after 1792 (during the French Revolution). In 1789, a French doctor previously proposed that all lawbreakers ought to be executed by a â€Å"machine that decapitates easily. <img information srcset=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/saLPO6yYML8OJsW7LuXBLYBzezk=/300x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/representation of-joseph-ignace-guillotin-1738-1814-961415856-5c48da2146e0fb0001713bcb.jpg 300w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/j22a4_JdQH9a47GZXo3x17Wmfpw=/1147x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/picture of-joseph-ignace-guillotin-1738-1814-961415856-5c48da2146e0fb0001713bcb.jpg 1147w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/EAAwSi0sUFFJefgoH1w5bhpqhxE=/1994x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/representation of-joseph-ignace-guillotin-1738-1814-961415856-5c48da2146e0fb0001713bcb.jpg 1994w, https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/ohaEZyICGfmRTXvS1mtKsCf2Dbw=/3689x0/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/picture of-joseph-ignace-guillotin-1738-1814-961415856-5c48da2146e0fb0001713bcb.jpg 3689w information src=https://www.thoughtco.com/thmb/s33R6Jn4-j2IyIJaMfy3fb0cEgs=/4498x3689/filters:no_upscale():max_bytes(150000):strip_icc()/representation of-joseph-ignace-guillotin-1738-1814-961415856-5c48da2146e0fb0001713bcb.jpg src=//:0 alt=Portrait Of Joseph-Ignace Guillotin 1738-1814 class=lazyload information click-tracked=true information img-lightbox=true information expand=300 id=mntl-sc-square image_1-0-4 information following container=true /> Legacy Images/Getty Images Specialist Joseph Ignace Guillotin Specialist Joseph Ignace Guillotin was conceived in Saintes, France in 1738 and chose for the French National Assembly in 1789. He had a place with a little political change development that needed to exile capital punishment totally. Guillotin contended for an easy and private the death penalty technique equivalent for all the classes, as a between time step towards totally restricting capital punishment. Executing gadgets had just been utilized in Germany, Italy, Scotland, and Persia for privileged lawbreakers. In any case, never had such a gadget been received on an enormous institutional scale. The French named the guillotine after Doctor Guillotin. The additional e toward the finish of the word was included by an obscure English artist who discovered guillotine simpler to rhyme with. Specialist Guillotin along with German designer and harpsichord creator Tobias Schmidt, manufactured the model for a perfect guillotine machine. Schmidt recommended utilizing an inclining cutting edge rather than a round sharp edge. Leon Berger Noted upgrades to the guillotine machine were made in 1870 by the associate killer and woodworker Leon Berger. Berger included a spring framework, which halted the mouton at the base of the forests. He included a lock/blocking gadget at the lunette and another discharge instrument for the edge. All guillotines worked after 1870 were made by Leon Bergers development. The French Revolution started in 1789, the time of the celebrated raging of the Bastille. On July 14 of that year, King Louis XVI of France was driven from the French seat and sent into oust. The new non military personnel get together reworked the reformatory code to state, Every individual sentenced to capital punishment will have his head cut off. All classes of individuals were presently executed similarly. The first guillotining occurred on April 25, 1792, when Nicolas Jacques Pelletie was guillotined at Place de Grã ¨ve on the Right Bank. Unexpectedly, Louis XVI had his own head hacked off on January 21, 1793. A large number of individuals were freely guillotined during the French Revolution. The Last Guillotine Execution On September 10, 1977, the last execution by guillotine occurred in Marseilles, France, when the killer Hamida Djandoubi was decapitated. Guillotine Facts Complete load of a guillotine is around 1278 lbsThe guillotine metal cutting edge weighs about 88.2 lbsThe stature of guillotine posts normal around 14 feetThe falling sharp edge has a pace of around 21 feet/secondJust the genuine decapitating takes 2/100 of a secondThe time for the guillotine edge to tumble down to where it stops takes 70th of a second Prunier's Experiment In a logical exertion to decide whether any awareness stayed following beheading by the guillotine, three French specialists went to the execution of Monsieur Theotime Prunier in 1879, having gotten his earlier agree to be the subject of their experimentation. Following the cutting edge fell on the denounced man, the trio recovered his head and endeavored to inspire some indication of canny reaction by yelling at him, staying in pins, applying smelling salts right in front of him, silver nitrate, and light blazes to his eyeballs. Accordingly, they could record just that M Pruniers face bore a look of awe.
Comparing Oedipus and Hamlet :: comparison compare contrast essays
Free Essays - Oedipus versus Hamlet as Tragic Protagonists Oedipus accommodates Aristotle's meaning of the disastrous imperfection and hero perfectly. Aristotle depicted the hero as somebody viewed as exceptional as opposed to typical...(1117). Oedipus liberated Thebes from the Sphinx by unraveling her enigma - something no one else had the option to do. The minister in the main scene of Act I calls Oedipus ...our most prominent force (1121) and depicts him as evaluated first among men. Hamlet is of respectable birth yet there is nothing else remarkable about him. In contrast to Oedipus, he had not spared a realm; he coincidentally was brought into the world a sovereign. In catastrophes the heroes are for the most part of the honorability to cause their tumbles to appear to be more prominent. In any case, Aristotle said What is at last significant isn't so much the hero's social height as an enormity of character... (1117). Heroes, as depicted in our book, should likewise have an assurance to meet some objective or errand to make them admirable(1118). Oedipus set going to discover the enemy of King Laius to liberate Thebes from plagues. Hamlet's objective was to retaliate for the homicide of his dad. Oedipus promptly started to search for the executioner, in any event, when the proof highlighted himself and destroyed his life. Hamlet appears to put off executing Claudius. He decided not to kill him as he supplicates is Act III scene iii. In Act III scene I Hamlet says: I'll watch his looks: I'll tent him to the speedy: if 'a do quail, I know my course. The soul I have seen might be a devil:(1315) Even after the apparition reveals to Hamlet how he was killed, Hamlet has the players demonstration it out just no doubt. Clearly, there is no hard goals for him to complete his undertaking. Arthur Miller has said lamentable inclination is evoked in us when we are within the sight of a character who is prepared to set out his life.
Friday, August 21, 2020
A Discourse Theory of Citizenship
A Discourse Theory of Citizenship This article talks about the idea of citizenship and how citizenship as a type of open commitment is essential to vote based system overall. The creator, Robert Asen, presents another view that citizenship is a unique method of open commitment. The principal segment of the article talks about inquiries regarding open convictions and viewpoints. The second area of the article examines how citizenship is a method of open commitment. The third area talks about how open commitment must be inspected and what can be gained from that examination. The last segment examines how the idea of citizenship can be reached out through the author’s Discourse Theory. The initial segment of the article starts by clarifying how inside general society and even inside gatherings all arrangements of perspectives or qualities are not widespread. This implies it is a test to speak to the perspectives on gatherings. This likewise implies individuals from bunches need to go to bat for their perspectives. For instance, in the event that you are a piece of a human rights association, however don't affirm of their expressed perspectives on a specific nation, you should make your voice heard. This presents a test to assemble initiative since they need to make the group’s expressed perspectives increasingly broad so as to not distance any of the members. Furthermore, individuals don't have a general view on how choices ought to be made. For instance, the article referenced how the dissident AIDS association, ACT UP, experienced a lot of difficulty concocting an agreement about whether they ought to affirm before Congress. These realities imply that the perspectives and points of view of a gathering of individuals, their subjectivity, is a greater amount of an ever-changing procedure than a static gathering of sentiments and ought to be treated all things considered. This thought is noteworthy to correspondence all in all since it comprehends why it is critical to continually ensure that no one’s perspectives in a gathering are being minimized. The following area talked about how citizenship is a method of open commitment. It clarifies that citizenship isn't a gathering of all around characterized benefits that accompany legitimately living in a nation, yet rather it is significantly more. It is a method for engaging with your general surroundings. Citizenship is a procedure of managing the world that impacts the perspectives and convictions of people in general. It doesn't need to originate from just democratic; it exists in various modes. A portion of these modes incorporate shopper decisions, work propensities, and charitable effort. These sorts of activities could be a higher priority than casting a ballot alone. This is on the grounds that casting a ballot doesn't show your perspectives in incredible individual detail and hence doesn't generally help advance your own convictions into open conversation. Casting a ballot just credits your perspectives to one of two general view sets, which the vast majority don't by and large concur with totally. Different types of citizenship, for example, chipping in at a soup kitchen, can all the more precisely speak to your perspectives and thoughts of how the world should be run. This is on the grounds that the open perceives how you are acting to straightforwardly roll out an improvement in the public eye and may choose to go along with you in your motivation. As the article says, â€Å" Democracy’s heart doesn't pulsate in the lobbies of Congress or in the democratic corner, however in regular institutions of citizenship†(Asen, 197). The significant correspondence idea that can be taken from this area, is that the intensity of majority rule government lays on typical individuals and not on chose authorities or civil servants. This makes it critical that one’s perspectives are communicated both out in the open talk and in the way one carries on with their life. The duties of living in a popular government don't just come once at regular intervals for decisions, yet are available consistently during human associations. The following area talks about how open commitment as citizenship must be analyzed. Open commitment is certainly not a static arrangement of ideas, yet rather a liquid, unique procedure of communication that happens at an individual level. Thus, it is not the same as individual to individual and must be dealt with uncommonly. The dynamic idea of citizenship makes it difficult to make explicit speculations of how people in general takes part in citizenship. This implies there can't be genuine specialists in the investigation of human-to-human cooperation. It doesn't, be that as it may, forestall subjective examination of open commitment in citizenship. This area additionally talked about how it is innately unsafe to take part in citizenship. The hazard happens when an individual’s sees are known and the general population gets mindful of one’s convictions. For instance, taking an interest in a Pro-Choice association could lead a portion of your Pro-Life neighbors to despise you for your perspectives. Then again, there is a social advantage to this hazard since it can open you to individuals who share comparable perspectives to you. This basic obligation of hazard joins associations and makes them more grounded after some time. The significant correspondence point in this segment is that imparting your perspectives includes chance, yet that hazard is advantageous in light of the fact that it can prompt more grounded social ties. The keep going area concentrated on how the meaning of citizenship is extended when the author’s Discourse Theory of Citizenship is applied. The meaning of citizenship is customarily restricted to the rights and benefits that are conceded to people who are lawfully living in a nation. With the use of this new hypothesis, the definition can be extended in a couple of ways. First the, connection between the resident and citizenship has been reformulated. Never again is citizenship simply the result of being a resident, yet rather it is a method for acting. Second, citizenship isn't something that all residents have similarly. While each resident can cast a ballot, the influence he/she has on open talk additionally relies upon influence and cash. For instance, a rich individual can go to extraordinary premium gatherings that require huge gifts so as to partake. This makes these individuals increasingly fit for affecting what laws are eventually passed. Another model is the manner by which previously and still to a limited degree presently, race can either help or thwart one’s degree of citizenship. The third development of our comprehension of citizenship is through the investigation of mixture instances of citizenship. Cross breed instances of citizenship are examples when ordinary regular acts are additionally types of citizenship. One case of this is if an individual goes through more cash at a natural nourishment store since they need to help the natural nourishment industry. The extension of the meaning of citizenship through the Discourse Theory of Citizenship takes into account a superior comprehension of citizenship and how open correspondence in various structures is liable for keeping up a powerful popular government. When imparting through citizenship, comprehend that the citizenship incorporates something beyond casting a ballot. It likewise incorporates ordinary individual to-individual associations, purchasing decisions, and gathering participations. By understanding citizenship through this extended definition, it is conceivable to more readily center open talk in manners that can progress one’s individual convictions and objectives.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
Announcing the Winner of the 2019 ServiceScape Scholarship
Announcing the Winner of the 2019 ServiceScape Scholarship ServiceScape is pleased to announce the winner of the 2019 Scholarship Contest: Olga Okoulova, from Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. Olga completed a Certificate in Business Administration at the University of Victoria in the Fall 2019 and is planning to pursue a Masters of Global Business at the University of Victoria this January 2020.Olga Okoulova is the winner of the 2019 ServiceScape ScholarshipYou can find her winning submission below. We hope you enjoy it and we look forward to reading more great essays for our 2020 Scholarship.Writing seems old-fashioned, doesnt it? Sending letters in the mail and waiting patiently for a response that you cant track or be notified of when it arrives. Learning shorthand in order to take notes during a two-hour-long lecture so that your hand doesnt cramp when the professor decides to give hints on what might be tested on in your upcoming exam.Do people still remember how to address letters? And isnt it much quicker to take notes on your lapt op?With a new generation of technology available at our fingertips, its easy to believe that the power of the written word has been losing strength. That weve outgrown in. That there are faster and easier ways to spread and receive information; through pictures and videos, TV series and documentary films.But what about that feeling, when you get a birthday card and you get to read a message that your best friend would never have had the courage to say out loud? Or receiving that I miss you text from the person that you love? Or devoting your entire night to making flash cards for a test, and realizing, by the time youve actually started to memorize the words, that you already remember them?Even in todays digital age, writing continues to be fundamental to everything that we do. Whether its transcribed with a pen on a piece of paper or opened as a text message on a cell phone, writing has the power to make or break our day, to challenge our perspective, and to teach us. It seems so s imple, a couple of words scribbled down on a piece of paper â€" Im sorry or see you later or, very simply, I love you â€" but where would we be without them?
Saturday, May 30, 2020
Investor Perception and Information Disclosed in Financial Reports to the Stock Exchange - Free Essay Example
The new business environment is ever changing and needs lot of expertise to compete effectively. Due to vast development of the capital markets, investors are now giving a great concern to the credibility of the companies in which they are investing. Information disclosure is considered as an indispensable phenomenon for the effectual functioning of securities markets. Due to improper allocation of the resources in the market, the need for added capital values on part of funds provider has increased, in order to attract enough capital for operations and to generate huge profits. Information is considered as a communication bridge between all efficient market associates. Information disclosure gains significant to maintain asymmetry between the investors and management, once they have made a deal (Freedman Stagliano, 2002). To evaluate the nexus among accounting data, relevant information and investors perception is considered as the prime objective of the capital market study. The inconsistency in stock prices and volume of security trades derives the information content of accounting numbers, within a short time span when these are published. However, there is no significant evidence on the impact of information disclosure on investors decision in Pakistan. Schrand Elliott (1998) highlighted the fact that the focus of study of most researches wa s to find the effects of risk; hence they provide little guidance on how investors assess risk and which disclosures can help investors in determining risk. In order to bring pricing efficiency and market confidence the availability, usefulness and adequacy of the relevant information is highly significant. Complete relevant information is considered indispensable for investors to make sound judgments of the value of securities. El-Erian Kumar (1995) and Mobarek Keasey (2000) stated that the fragmentation of capital markets, political and economic instabilities can hinder the efficiency of capital markets. Some other factors like deficiency of corporate information, the lack of auditing experience, and the flaws of regulations and disclosure requirements lead to curtailed vital information. Cassar Friedman (2009) depicted in their study that self efficacy also has a nexus with the investors decision while perceiving risks of the stocks. Self-efficacy describes a persons self-conf idence in his/her ability to accomplish tasks. Self-efficacy has been shown to influence a wide range of individuals behavior. Self efficacy self-efficacy is associated with increased expectations and goals (Bandura, 2001), impacting investment decision (Cassar Friedman, 2009), better academic performance (Luszczynska, Gutià ©rrez-Doà ±a, Schwarzer, 2005) improved work-related performance (Stajkovic Luthans, 1998), greater job search activity (Eden Aviram, 1993), and health-related choices (e.g. Clark Dodge, 1999; McAuley, Courneya, Rudolph, Lox, 1994; Wulfert Wan, 1993). Self-efficacy can be either task-specific, relate to many related tasks within a domain, or be generalized. The focus in this study is on investors self efficacy, which depicts the confidence one has in his/her ability to make sound investment decisions either doing it on entrepreneur basis or on individual basis and to trace out the significance of self efficacy in relevance to the judgment of investors p erception. The main objective of this study is to find out the how information disclosure and investors self efficacy affect investors perception while investing in stocks and taking decisions pertaining to investment in Pakistan. Literature Review Investors Perception Germon Meek (2001) believe that accounting exists because it satisfies a need primarily a need for information. In order to be relevant accounting data must among others, be quick to respond to users (particularly the investors) needs. Generally, investors are not in a situation to directly assess the performance of companies in which they intend to invest. They usually depend on financial reports prepared by the management of such organizations. Financial report is one of the best sources of accounting information about a company. Financial reporting is an essential part of disclosure and helps investor to discover investment opportunities. Studies on the usefulness of interim reporting for investors are limited compared to those of annual reporting. A number of evidence on the usefulness of interim reporting could be gathered from annual report studies. Cerf (1961) provided evidence on the usefulness of interim reporting in the US. In his study on the major sources of financ ial information used by 215 analysts, Cerf (1961) found that analysts named the interim report as one of the main sources of information, alongside with the annual reports, direct contact with management, and brokers studies of corporations and industries. In Malaysia, at least two studies, that is, Izah Zuaini (1995) and Rahman (1998) provided evidence on the use of interim reports by investors. Izah Zuaini (1995) showed that interim reports were, on average, rated third by the financial analysts in making investment decisions, after the annual reports and contacts with the management of a company. Rahman (1998) provided evidence that financial analysts, on average, rated interim reports as the third most important source of information after visits to companies and prospectuses. The annual reports were rated sixth most important source of information by the analysts. Quarterly financial reports were used by professional investors but their usefulness varies across types of in vestors: scanners, trackers, and sophisticates. Different groups of investors perceived usefulness based on their respective needs, Although investors regard quarterly reports as the sixth most useful source of information, usefulness of quarterly reporting remains significant. Annual reports appear to be more useful than quarterly reporting despite the fact that the latter is timely. One explanation is that quarterly reports are not audited thus perceived to be less reliable and susceptible to income manipulation. Another reason is that investors may take some time to familiarize themselves with the nature and role of quarterly reporting, as they have just shifted from half-yearly reporting (Ismail Roy, 2005). Abdelkarim, Shahin Arqawi, (2009) have contributed a lot in assessing the investor perception. They articulate that external users attached a higher level of importance to the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement, statement of shareholders equity, management commentary, and footnotes to the financial statements. These results are consistent with the results of previous studies, especially in the Arab region. According to the quality of information, all users consider the timeliness and availability of information as important. They also considered other quality items such as adequacy, credibility, relevancy, and understandability important for their investment decisions. Information users evaluated the companys level of disclosure as poor and weak (Abdelkarim, Shahin and Arqawi, 2009). These results reflect the inadequacy of the information quantity and quality that companies listed at the Palestine Stock Exchange usually disclose. Companies should comply with the minimum international disclosure requirements and timeliness of the disclosure process (Abdelkarim, Shahin and Arqawi, 2009). Another important point to note is that investors considered information related to risk, and investment opportunity, as the mos t important of non-traditional financial information. Net income, share price growth, net cash flow, sales revenue amount, and amount of current liabilities were the most important items that users perceive. Finally, all investors deemed that more quantity and quality of items disclosed by listed companies could create fair stock price value. While examining the multi-user perceptions in a study suggest that investment user who holds finance and/or accounting qualification could perceive information differently from one with an engineering qualification (Abdelkarim, Shahin and Arqawi, 2009). The different user groups considered timeliness, availability, and credibility of relevant information as the most important features of corporate information. The users however, gave less importance to independent verification, as it is considered as contributing features to the usefulness of corporate information. A high degree of importance was attached to disclosure items such as earnings pe r share, investments opportunities, and performance. Despite of financial reports low quality, all information users do find information items disclosed in financial reports as useful for their investment decision-making process. In addition, the most important items were found in the profit and loss statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statement. Investors Self Efficacy Mavra Bandura (1977) Self-efficacy implies a conscious awareness of ones ability to be effective, to control actions or outcomes. Self-efficacy refers to a persons belief that they can perform tasks and fulfills roles, and is directly related to expectations, goals and motivation (Bandura, 2001). Bandura postulated that an individual characterized by high self-efficacy concerning a specific behavior, would be highly confident in his or her capability to successfully perform the task hence would most likely decide to pursue it, expand effort and pursue the task even while facing difficulties. Investors self efficacy is stated as the belief of investor in his own decision making, confidence while making investment even in difficult scenarios (Bandura, 1986). Cassar Friedman (2009) depicted in their study that self efficacy also has a nexus with the investors decision while perceiving risks of the stocks. Indeed, research on self-efficacy in various contexts has indicated that effic acy beliefs affect performance levels through their influence on ambitious goal setting, efficiency in dealing with problems, investment of effort and persistence (Wood Bandura, 1990; Bandura, 1997). Self-efficacy has been shown to affect a wide range of choices, including work-related performance (Stajkovic Luthans, 1998), small business growth (Baum Locke, 2004; Baum, Locke, Smith, 2001), job search activity (Eden Aviram, 1993), academic performance (Hackett Betz, 1989; Luszczynska et al., 2005), choice of academic major (Hackett, 1985), and career choice (Lent Hackett, 1987). A vital facet of self-efficacy is its level of specificity. Self-efficacy can be completely general at the broadest level (Shearer, Maddux, Mercandante, Prentice-Dunn, Jacobs, Rogers, 1982), referring to confidence about any and all tasks. Whereas, it refers to beliefs about ones confidence in completing one specific task successfully, at the narrowest level. Also most scholars today distinguish betw een two types of self-efficacy: general self efficacy and specific self-efficacy (Shearer, 1981). The former relates to a general belief in ones overall abilities across different situations, and the latter relates to a domain-specific belief in ones ability in a specific area. Entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE) describes a persons confidence about their ability to perform the various tasks and roles relevant to entrepreneurship and related decisions. The use of ESE, rather than general self-efficacy is highly effective in this study, to explain entrepreneurial investment because domain-specific self-efficacy has been shown to have greater impact than general self-efficacy when describing investment choices (Betz Hackett, 1983; Gist, 1987). ESE is not venture-specific; individuals ESE should apply at all entrepreneurial activity regardless of distinctive factors related to each unique venture. More generally, ESE differs from locus of control because self-efficacy refers to belief s about achievable levels of performance or behavior, while locus of control concerns beliefs about the achievements of outcomes in addition to performance levels (Rotter, 1966). Self-efficacy differs from self-esteem because self-esteem is an affective self-evaluation, such as ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬Ãƒ ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¢I take a positive attitude towards myself (Rosenberg, 1965), whereas self-efficacy is a judgment about ones capability to complete a task (Gist Mitchell, 1992). Dispositional optimism connotes a generally positive outlook, not a judgment about ones efficaciousness (Puri Robinson, 2007). Core self-evaluation is a construct that encompasses locus of control, generalized self-efficacy, self-esteem and emotional stability (Judge Bono, 2001). This broader construct, due to its abstractness, is not closely related to ESE, except that individuals with high core self-evaluation may be expected to have high ESE, as they would be more likely to have high domain-specific self-eff icacy. Overconfidence has been defined as occurring when individuals overestimate the accuracy of their predictions or more generally when individuals hold excessive confidence in relation to abilities, knowledge, and beliefs (Hayward, Shepherd, Griffin, 2006). However, in this study the emphasis is on investors self efficacy, which depicts the confidence one has in his/her ability to make sound investment decisions either doing it on individual basis or on entrepreneur basis and to trace out the significance of self efficacy in pertaining to the judgment of investors perception. Information Disclosure The association between capital markets accounting information has attracted considerable attention (Ball Brown, 1968). The concentration for this subject is justifiable, given the objective of financial reporting that accounting figures are aimed at providing investors with useful information for their investment decisions. In capital markets, financial information is thought to assist the prediction of firms future cash flows and help investors assess future securities risk and returns. Al-Mubarak (1997) studies of the market reaction to the release of new accounting information that analyze the stock price impact of accounting disclosures in order to determine whether these are useful to market participants. Studies of the long-term association between stock returns and accounting numbers, which examine the extent to which the information conveyed by accounting figures is consistent with that reflected in stock prices. Complementary studies devoted to the use of accounting dat a by investors and to the influence of market considerations on accounting choices. The worthiness of financial reports is in the top research playgrounds nowadays. Some recent studies even report a decreasing trend in the value-relevance of financial statement information in the U.S. over the past decades (Francis Schipper, 1999). Ball and Brown (1968), stated that present accounting literature has well documented the usefulness of accounting earnings, book value and other items in the financial reports. While most of these studies provide evidence that annual report is an important source of information, they also show a low association between accounting numbers and stock prices or returns [Graham and King (2000), Chen (2001)]. Many prior studies empirically establish the usefulness of financial reports or other financial information by the statistical association between the financial information and stock prices or returns. Hodge (2003) suggests that a survey-based research ca n complement the archival-based research in that it gathers data on a multitude of individual beliefs and practices to provide the underlying reasons for investors behavior. The disclosure of relevant corporate information is an essential element of a market-based monitoring of companies. Disclosure and transparency induce corporations to better protect investors, and thereby enhance investors confidence in capital markets. The characteristics of significant, timeliness, correctness and instructive should be present in a good disclosure. In relation to the reliability of disclosed information, companies must adopt internationally recognized accounting and auditing standards, and assure the independence of the audit process. Corporate disclosure has evolved from being solely focused on financial information excerpted predominantly from a firms financial statements. Richardson Welker (2001) highlighted that corporate disclosure is utilized as a strategic tool in risk assessment and t he value creation process, currently. The appearance of complete disclosure strategies that cover all aspects of a firms performance has resulted in the broadening of both the scope and scale of the information released by firms. Disclosure strategies, including economic, social and environmental information, are now a key component of many firms investor communication programs. This evolution in corporate practices appears to be well founded, since empirical findings suggest that an open disclosure policy provides many benefits to a firm, e.g., a lower cost of capital (Botosan and Harris, 2000). Environmental reporting typically occupies a prominent place within the scope of a firms disclosure strategy (Cormier and Magnan, 1999). In Jordan, Abu-Nassar Rutherford (1996) undertook a study to discover the view of external users of annual corporate reports. They targeted different groups of external users, namely individual shareholders, institutional shareholders, bank loan officers, stockbrokers, and academics. They found out that bank loan officers were the heaviest users of the annual reports in Jordan, while individual shareholders and academics were found to be the least. They also found the income statement and balance sheet to be the most widely read parts of the annual corporate report by all users. In Saudi Arabia, Al-Mubarak (1997) confirms that the annual corporate report is the primary source of corporate information and his findings are in line with those found in developed countries. Abdelsalam (1990) reports that the vast majority of respondents indicate that investors read the annual reports and that the profit and loss statement was the most important part of the annual report. Al-Fayyoumi (2003) tested the informational efficiency by analyzing the relationship between trading volume and stock-price volatility. The results provided that investors in the PSE should pay more attention to the fundamental (financial) information in order to improve the rationality of the decision making process. Abdelkarim Shahin (2007) and Abuzarour (2005) used the variance ratio test, developed by Lo and Mackinlay in 1988, and the nonparametric run test, to examine the PSE efficiency and the results provided further evidence that the PSE is weakly efficient. In the context of Palestine, market inefficiency and corporate governance were identified as the main reasons for PSE being a shallow market and the main obstacles for PSE capitalization growth (MAS 2004). Financial disclosure procedures are weak; there is low public awareness about securities, poor investment culture, and poor accounting and auditing procedures. All these factors have negatively affected the performance of the PSE in terms of depth, liquidity, volatility, and trading volume (Jafary Makhool, 2004). While no significant research have been found in this context in the stock exchange and capital market of Pakistan. This identified a need to bridge the gap and to find out the association between these three variables in the scenario of Pakistan capital markets and stock exchanges. Considering the above all mentioned literature, the conclusion can b made that there are no studies to investigate the investors perception towards information disclosure. Because little is known about the stock price behavior in this market, the aim of the study is to study is to find out the impact of financial information disclosure and investors self efficacy on the investors perception. This can be achieved by assessing the perception of users towards the availability, adequacy and usefulness of relevant information disclosed by companies listed at stock exchange in Pakistan. Moreover, the relationship between investors perception and self efficacy is assessed by ambitious goal setting, confident in performing tasks and pursuing tasks with facing difficulties. Methodology A questionnaire survey was designed where respondents were asked to determine the degree of importance of each information item using two questionnaire forms. This survey was conducted both manually and electronically (through emails) to the participants. One questionnaire was measuring the dimensions of information disclosure. It consisted of Likert-type five scales, where (N+) referred to strongly disagree, and (Y+) to strongly agree, and tested statistically to fulfill the objectives of this research. An extensive review of relevant literature was undertaken in order to form a list of the information potentially used by financial statements users, e.g. Taylor (1965), Epstein Pava (1993), Abu-Nassar Rutherford (1996), Ba-owaidan, M. (1994), Bartlett Chandler (1997), Mangena Kinman (2003). Moreover, the dimensions of self efficacy were assessed through a 10-items questionnaire likert scale, in which options ranged from 1 to 4, 1 representing not at all true and 4 representing exactly true. The Islamabad Stock Exchange (ISE) was selected as a target location; the individual investors were assessed through these questionnaires form filled in a short span of time. The target groups were asked to indicate their opinion, using the designed scale, in order to achieve authentic results. Hypotheses This study aims to assess the availability, adequacy, and the perceived usefulness of information for investment decisions. Moreover, the impact of investors self efficacy on investors perception through by ambitious goal setting, confident in performing tasks and pursuing tasks with facing difficulties. To smooth the progress of our analysis, the following hypotheses were developed and are tested: Ho: Investors self efficacy has positive impact on investors perception, H1: Investors self efficacy has no impact on investors perception, H2: Information disclosure in financial reports has positive impact on investors perception H3: Information disclosure in financial reports has no impact on investors perception Details of the study The purpose of this study was to test the designed hypothesis in order to find the above mentioned relationship by using statistical tools and running the collected data on SPSS software. This study measured the co relational impact of the independent variable on the dependent variable. Moreover, the study was done in the non-contrived type of setting in which the field study was done through questionnaire survey. Further this is cross sectional study being done to find out the behavior aspect of investors. The unit of analysis in this study was individuals who were filled the questionnaire about their respective behaviors. The level of interference of the researchers was minimal as it was done in non-contrived setting. Model of the study After reviewing the literature work in detail and analyzing the previous model of the study, a new model was proposed to fill the gap of the previous studies. This model was then designed to depict the aims of the study in a precise way. The model consists of two independent variables which are investors self efficacy information disclosure and one dependent variable investors perception along-with their respective dimensions. The model attached here, vividly depicts the nexus of the variables and the purpose of the study. The final model is as follow: Fig 1: Model of the study Final Questionnaire Questionnaire for Information Disclosure Dear Respondents: Thank you for your willingness to join this survey. Please respond to all the questions in this questionnaire. We understand that the interpretation of the questionnaire and the responding to the questionnaire require a high level of professional judgment. Please check (ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡) the appropriate parentheses or express the extent to which you agree or disagree on the given statement by choosing (circling) one of the following: (Y+) strongly agree, (Y) agree (O) neither agrees nor disagrees (or no opinion), (N) disagree; (N+) strongly disagree. No. Question Mark (ÃÆ' ¢Ãƒâ€¹Ã¢â‚¬ Ã…Â ¡) General Information Q 1 Kind of Information Users You Are 1 Individual investor 2 Institutional investor 3 Creditors; (Bank loan officers) 4 Stock brokers 5 Financial analysts 6 Academics Q 2 Information Users by Qualification 1 PhD 2 Masters Degree 3 First degree 4 Professional qualifications 5 Other Q 3 Information Users by Experience (Number of years) 1 Less than 1 year 2 1-5 Years 3 6-10 Years 4 Above 10 Years Q 4 Information Users by Industry Focus 1 Telecommunications 2 Insurance companies 3 Banks 4 Investment Management Companies 5 Pharmaceuticals 6 Services 7 Industrial Q5 Investors By Amount of Money Invested 1 Nothing 2 Less than 100,000 3 Between 100,000 249.999 4 Between 250,000 499,999 5 Between 500,000 999,999 6 More than 100,000 Investors Perception Q6 Investors Goals Y+ Y O N N+ 1 Safety of capital 2 Steady income 3 Speculative gains 4 Investment opportunity Q7 Kind of Analysis usefulness to predict future stock value 1 Political analysis 2 Macroeconomic analysis 3 Technical analysis 4 Fundamental (Financial) analysis 5 Statistical analysis 6 No Analysis, Imitation other investors Q 8 Users View towards various sources of information 1 PSE Market statistics 2 Corporate financial reports 3 Advice of investment services (Specialists) 4 Advice of stockbrokers 5 Direct information from the company 6 Investors own analysis 7 Market rumors, and adages Q 9 Users Readership of the corporate reports 1 Balance sheet 2 Profit and loss statement 3 Cash flow statement 4 Footnotes to the financial statements 5 Statement of shareholders equity 6 Management commentary 7 Auditors report Q 10 Users evaluating of the of corporate disclosure quality 1 Timeliness 2 Availability of specific information 3 Understandability 4 Credibility 5 Easy access to sources of information 6 independent verification Information Disclosure Q 11 Level of disclosure by companies Y+ Y O N N+ 1 In Management Commentary Section 2 In Income Statement section 3 In Balance Sheet Section 4 In Cash Flow Statement Section 5 In Segmental Information Section 6 In Accounting Policies and Notes Q 12 Users view about usefulness of information 1 Provide primary information to investors to help them in making investment decisions 2 Provide information to help investors to monitor their investment 3 To predict expected income and earnings per share 4 To help investors in assessing liquidity of the company 5 To predict future dividend of the company 6 To evaluate companys performance over time 7 To make comparison between companies performance Q 13 Importance of Non Traditional Information 1 Information Related to Risk 2 Business opportunity 3 Social Responsibility Information 4 Market regulation Q 14 Importance of Non Financial Information 1 Execution of Corporate Strategy 2 Corporate product or service Creation 3 Kind of management, especially directors 4 Customer Satisfaction 5 Indication of employee morale and Satisfaction 6 Quality of Processes 7 Environmental Social Policies 8 Industrial sector Sustainability 9 Organizational and functional structure 10 Corporate governance 11 Company profile 12 Competitor Position 13 Quality of Published Materials 14 Voluntary disclosure 15 Disclosure by the website Usefulness of Financial Reports Q 15 Usefulness of Financial Reports, Items 1 Net cash flow 2 Gross and disaggregated value of current liabilities 3 Gross and disaggregated amount of shareholders equity 4 Capital structure 5 Share price growth 6 Strategies of Profit 7 Current research and development expenditure 8 Sales revenue amount 9 Dividend per share for the period 10 Sales growth expected 11 Gross and disaggregated value of current assets 12 Discussion of results with reasons for changes 13 Number and amount of authorized and issued shares 14 Overall financing costs 15 Net assets book value 16 Money resources and uses 17 Description of the company main product or services 18 Inventories value and method used to determine the cost of (e.g. LIFO, FIFO) 19 Working capital Expenditure last five year 20 Discussion of Increase or decrease of Expenditure 21 Discussion of Increase or decrease of revenues 22 Expenditure on advertising and publicity for the past years 23 Discussion of financial strength of the company 24 Breakdown of borrowings (e.g. lending institution, date of maturity, security) 25 Information relating to investments (e.g. names, percentage, ownership) 26 Summary of net sales for at least the most recent five years 27 Current market value of quoted investments 28 Revenue recognition method 29 Future economic outlook of the company 30 Breakdown of sales revenue by major product line, class of customer and geographical location 31 Expenditure on human resources (e.g. training, welfare facilities) 32 Basis of accounting methods used, and any change 33 Discussion of the major factors likely influence following years results 34 Analysis of sales revenue and earnings attributable to foreign operations 35 Information relating to subsidiaries (e.g. names, addresses, percentage ownership) 36 Forecast of following years profits 37 Number and type of ordinary shareholders (e.g. institutions, individuals) 38 Information relating to past five balance sheet events 39 Net income 40 Total public and management expenditure Questionnaire for Self Efficacy Self efficacy represents how much you are aware of your abilities to be effective, to control an action or a situation while performing tasks. Please rate each statement in terms of how true it is of you. Please tick only one response for each question according to the following keys. 1= not at all true, 2= barely true, 3= moderately true, 4= exactly true S.No Statement 1 2 3 4 1 It is easy for me to stick to my aims and accomplish my goals. 2 If I am in trouble, I can usually think of a solution. 3 I can usually handle whatever comes my way. 4 I am confident that I could deal efficiently with unexpected events. 5 I can solve most problems if I invest the necessary effort. 6 When I am confronted with a problem, I can usually find several solutions. 7 I can always manage to solve different problems if I try hard enough. 8 Thanks to my resourcefulness, I know how to handle unforeseen situations. 9 If someone opposes me, I can find the means and ways to get what I want. 10 I can remain calm when facing difficulties because I can rely on my coping abilities.
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