Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Learn How to Conjugate Monter (to Climb) in French

Learn How to Conjugate Monter (to Climb) in French A very useful verb, the French  monter  means to climb or to go up. You can imagine how many times youll use it, which is why its important to study how to conjugate it so you can say I climbed or he is climbing in French. This lesson will show you how to do just that. Its also important that you do not confuse  monter with  montrer  (to  show). That one  r  can make a big difference in the meaning of your sentence. The Basic Conjugations of  Monter In French, the conjugations of verbs are more complicated than they are in English. While we can use -ing  for the present tense and -ed  for most past tense uses, French requires a different form of the verb for every subject pronoun within each tense. While that does give you five more words to learn for each of the present, future, and imperfect past tenses, they are easier if youve studied similar words. Thats because  monter  is  a  regular -er verb, meaning it uses the same infinitive ending as the majority of French verbs. With each new one you learn, it becomes a little easier to memorize those youre not familiar with. To study the conjugations of  monter, use the chart to match the subject pronoun with the tense of your sentence. This will indicate which ending is added to the verbs stem (or radical),  mont-. For example, I am climbing is  je monte  and we went up is  nous montions. While that seems simple enough, youll definitely want to practice these conjugations in context. Luckily, there are many common  expressions with  monter  for you to use. Present Future Imperfect je monte monterai montais tu montes monteras montais il monte montera montait nous montons monterons montions vous montez monterez montiez ils montent monteront montaient The Present Participle of Monter The  present participle  of  monter  is  montant. Youll notice that this was formed by adding -ant  to the verb stem, another rule that applies to almost every regular -er  verb. Monter  in the Compound Past Tense For the past tense, the  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is an alternative to the imperfect. This is a compound conjugation, so you will need the  auxiliary verb  Ãƒ ªtre  as well as the  past participle  montà ©. The phrase comes together quite easily. Begin by conjugating  Ãƒ ªtre  into the present tense appropriate to the subject, then allow the past participle to indicate that someone has already climbed. For example, I climbed is  je suis montà ©Ã‚  and we climbed is  nous sommes montà ©. More Simple Conjugations of Monter There will be times when you may need to question whether the act of climbing took place or not. For those occasions, you can use the subjunctive. Similarly, if someone will climb only  if  something else happens, the conditional can be used. Though you might not need either the passà © simple  or  imperfect subjunctive, these are good to know. However, theyre used only on occasion, so they do not need to be a priority. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je monte monterais montai montasse tu montes monterais montas montasses il monte monterait monta montt nous montions monterions montmes montassions vous montiez monteriez monttes montassiez ils montent monteraient montrent montassent For direct commands and other short sentences, you can skip the subject pronoun and use  the imperative  form  of  monter. Simplify it to  monte  rather than the more formal  tu monte. Imperative (tu) monte (nous) montons (vous) montez

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