Sunday, October 20, 2019

Free Essays on Marijuana Debate

Pg. 1 Should it be Legalized Should marijuana be legalized it is a simple question with complex answers. There are many questions regarding marijuana ranging from should it be legalized, to whether it is a harmful drug. This topic is important to the people of America because we, as taxpayers spend millions of dollars each year on drug control. This is a major issue arising not only in America, but also in our neighboring country of Canada. Should marijuana be legalized? If it is legalized what would it mean to America’s war on drugs? What might the moralists’ argument against drugs become? Legalizing marijuana would make people change their perspective on the issue as well as the people who use it, due to it no longer being a crime. This issue is significant because it will affect our country as a whole. It will affect our taxes, laws, as well as the political parties and elections that will run our country. Legalization of marijuana also touches on the rights of citizens, as well on modern medicine. Marijuana is the drug that has a big question mark that goes along with it. What should our country do while faced with the issue of legalization of marijuana? Before making a decision on whether or not marijuana should be legalized, the history as well as the origin should be known. Marijuana is obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the ubiquitous hemp plant Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana can be grown just about anywhere. It is a easily harvested plant, which makes it a favorite of drug farmers. Marijuana comes in different strengths (â€Å"Marijuana† Encyclopedia International Vol. 11) from mild marijuana to potent Pg. 2 hashish. Even though some of these forms of marijuana are very potent, it has not been proven to be addictive. Marijuana was something foreign to Americans until the late 19th early 20th century when immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean introduced the drug. It was often used during days of long w... Free Essays on Marijuana Debate Free Essays on Marijuana Debate Pg. 1 Should it be Legalized Should marijuana be legalized it is a simple question with complex answers. There are many questions regarding marijuana ranging from should it be legalized, to whether it is a harmful drug. This topic is important to the people of America because we, as taxpayers spend millions of dollars each year on drug control. This is a major issue arising not only in America, but also in our neighboring country of Canada. Should marijuana be legalized? If it is legalized what would it mean to America’s war on drugs? What might the moralists’ argument against drugs become? Legalizing marijuana would make people change their perspective on the issue as well as the people who use it, due to it no longer being a crime. This issue is significant because it will affect our country as a whole. It will affect our taxes, laws, as well as the political parties and elections that will run our country. Legalization of marijuana also touches on the rights of citizens, as well on modern medicine. Marijuana is the drug that has a big question mark that goes along with it. What should our country do while faced with the issue of legalization of marijuana? Before making a decision on whether or not marijuana should be legalized, the history as well as the origin should be known. Marijuana is obtained from dried and crumpled parts of the ubiquitous hemp plant Cannabis Sativa. Marijuana can be grown just about anywhere. It is a easily harvested plant, which makes it a favorite of drug farmers. Marijuana comes in different strengths (â€Å"Marijuana† Encyclopedia International Vol. 11) from mild marijuana to potent Pg. 2 hashish. Even though some of these forms of marijuana are very potent, it has not been proven to be addictive. Marijuana was something foreign to Americans until the late 19th early 20th century when immigrants from Mexico and the Caribbean introduced the drug. It was often used during days of long w...

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