Sunday, October 20, 2019

Past, Present, and Future Are Simple Tenses

Past, Present, and Future Are Simple Tenses Simple tenses in English are used to make basic statements about habits, events that happened, or what will happen in the future.   Present Simple The present simple is used to express daily routines and habits. Adverbs of frequency such as usually, sometimes, rarely, and so on are often used with the present simple. This tense is often used with the following time expressions including adverbs of frequency: Always, usually, sometimes, etc.Every dayOn Sundays, Tuesdays, etc. Positive Subject present tense object(s) time expression Frank usually takes a bus to work.I cook dinner on Fridays and Saturdays.They play golf on weekends. Negative Subject do/does not (dont/doesnt) verb object(s) time expression They dont often go to Chicago.He doesnt drive to work.You dont usually get up so early. Question (Question Word) do/does subject verb object(s) time expression How often do you play golf?When does she leave for work?Do they understand English? The present simple is also used about facts that are always true. The sun rises in the east.Dinner costs $20.Speaking languages improves your chances to get a job. The present simple can also be used to speak about scheduled events, even if those events are in the future: The train leaves at 6 oclock.It doesnt begin until 8 p.m.The plane lands at 4:30. The present simple is also used in future time clauses to say when something will take place: We will have lunch when they arrive next week.What will you do after he makes his decision?They wont know the answer before she comes next Tuesday. Past Simple The past simple is used to express something that happened at a past point in time. Remember to always use a past time expression, or a clear contextual clue when using the past simple. If you do not indicate when something happened, use the present perfect for unspecified past. This tense is often used with the following time expressions: AgoIn year/monthYesterdayLast week/month/yearWe Positive Subject past tense object(s) time expression I went to the doctors yesterday.She bought a new car last week.They played tennis when they were in high school. Negative Subject did not (didnt) verb object(s) time expression They didnt join us for dinner last week.He didnt attend the meeting.I didnt finish the report two weeks ago. Question (Question Word) did subject verb object(s) time expression When did you buy that pullover?How often did you drive to Los Angeles?Did they study for the test yesterday? Future Simple The future with will is used to make future predictions and promises. Often the precise moment the action will occur is unknown or not defined. The future simple is also used to react to situations that happen at the moment. This tense is often used with the following time expressions: SoonNext month/year/week Positive Subject will verb object(s) time expression The government will increase taxes soon.She will give a presentation next week.They will pay for the course in three weeks.   Negative Subject will not (wont) verb object(s) time expression She wont help us much with the project.I wont help him with that problem.We wont buy that car. Question (Question Word) will subject verb object(s) time expression Why will they reduce taxes?When will this film end?Where will he stay next week?

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