Tuesday, October 1, 2019

International Business Essay -- essays research papers

Today’s world of rapid increase in and expansion of technology is the reasons for recent International Business growth. The rapid growth in international business makes an understanding of organizational behavior all the more important for contemporary managers. Businesses have expanded internationally to increase their market share, as the domestic markets were too small to sustain growth. Business transactions are also becoming increasing blurred across national boundaries. Companies engage in international business to expand sales, acquire resources, diversify their sources of sales and supplies, and minimize competitive risk. When operating abroad, companies may have to adjust their usual methods of carrying on business. This is because foreign conditions often dictate a more appropriate method and because the operating modes used for international business differ somewhat from those used on a domestic level. In many ways, then, we are becoming a truly global economy. No longer will a firm be able to insulate it from foreign competitors or opportunities. International business usually takes place in more diverse external environments than found domestically. Businesses worldwide are no longer going International but expanding globally. This fast occurring global expansion of businesses all over the world has been given a new term, it is called international business. As human beings, we encounter risk every day of our lives. As a manager, risk becomes even more importan...

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