Tuesday, October 15, 2019

HUMAN GROWTH BEHAVIOUR (SOCIAL WORK) Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

HUMAN GROWTH BEHAVIOUR (SOCIAL WORK) - Essay Example role confusion, intimacy vs. isolation, generatively vs. stagnation and ego integrity vs. despair. According to the theory, successful completion of these stages will ensure a positive personality (Erikson, 1995). J. Bowlby who is known as the father of attachment theory (Cherry, n.d) first created the attachment theory. According to Bowlby, attachment needs begin when a child is born and continues throughout his life. The infant develops his first attachment with his mother who is the first and most important caretaker. A child has natural instincts to explore the world, but if while exploring he encounters a danger; he will take refuge by coming back to his mother for security. Moreover, discipline must be the main part of a child is training otherwise it will affect his future (Barnes, 2004). Bowbly discovered that the infants who had a strong bond with their mothers, had high IQ levels, strong self-esteem and performed well at school. The infant develops a sense of security and has a positive impact later on his life. Another renowned psychologist Mary Ainsworth later extended Bowbly’s theory by stating the main styles of attachments; secure attachment, ambivalent-insecure attachment, disorganized attachment and avoid-insecure attachment (Holms, 1993). Ambivalent-insecure attachment refers to a situation when a child becomes extremely insecure when the parent leaves, this happens due to the unavailability of a parent. In Avoid attachment, the infant tries to avoid or distance the caregiver and may easily trust a complete stranger. The reason for such behavior is the result of abusive parenting styles. In disorganized style of parenting, a child may both avoid and trust a parent, thus it results in disorganized behavior in child. Hence, attachment theory is very useful in understanding a relationship not only between a mother and child but also between adult partners. Mary is 45 years old and is in relationship with a man for more

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